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What do YOU make of London right now?

London is great, obviously. As the editor of Time Out, I’m contractually obliged to say that. Luckily I genuinely believe it, too. I live here. I was born here. I get fidgety and nervous as soon as I get beyond the M25. This last year, however, everything’s gone awry. The city’s denizens have had to deal with relentless challenges. London is a baffling, stressful, weird place at the best of times. And let’s be honest, the last 12 months have definitely not been the best of times.

We’d love to hear about how you feel about London right now. How has the city changed in light of lockdown (and everything that came with it)? What do you feel has been lost, and are you optimistic about seeing it come back? In spite of all the bullshit, are you still just about somehow having fun?

All you need to do is fill out our very quick (10 mins, max) Time Out Index survey. It’s really pretty, too! 

The Index is nothing new. Over the last few years, we’ve been regularly asking people like you about life in the city. What are you feeling, thinking, eating, drinking, and doing for fun? What are the earth’s best cities for living life to the fullest? Our huge, anonymous survey of urbanites all over the planet helps answer these questions. This year it’s more important than ever that you have your say. We want to hear from you. We want to hear about London.

Fill out our excellent (and extremely quick) Time Out Index survey right now, and have your voice heard.

Check out our global coverage of the pandemic’s one-year anniversary.

Everything you need to book now, to make the most of this summer in London.

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