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Work for the NHS? Got terrible hair? You’re in luck

If you’re an NHS worker, first of all, thanks. We’re all very grateful. Not all of us get the opportunity of demonstrating that practically, but many, many London businesses have done so in the last year and a half. From free meals to free gigs, lots of people have been magnificently generous to our key workers.

That’s probably relatively little consolation, though, if your hair still looks shit. Happily, London salon chain Blue Tit is munificently offering free haircuts for 24 hours to NHS workers. And by that, they don’t mean ‘across three days’, or ‘an hour a day for 24 days’. They mean 24 hours straight. Their intrepid stylists are cutting all day and all of the night to show their appreciation. 

The free cuts are only available at Blue Tit’s Dalston branch, and you have to book in advance. So don’t turn up in Brockley at 3am and hope for a snazzy new ’do, cos you’ll be disappointed.

It seems fitting that the London workers who have worked around the clock to keep the rest of us safe can get a trim at a time that suits them, if only momentarily. It’s certainly more glamorous than being allowed to go to the Co-op an hour earlier than everybody else (though that was good too).

Free haircuts for NHS workers are available at Blue Tit’s Dalston salon on Monday July 5. Book in advance on 020 7254 8538. More info on Blue Tit here.

Not free, but close. There’s a 45p mochi cookie sale on its way.

There are pod homes coming to London for the homeless.

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