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Overheard in London: this week’s #wordonthestreet

Overheard in London: this week’s #wordonthestreet

‘I don’t want to sound like an old person, but do you want a cherry menthol sweet?’

‘Fifty is just 40 with a hat on.’

‘I can’t do yoga now, I’m full of sausages.’

‘What’s the difference between a power shower and a shower-shower?’

‘I don’t think I’ve ever bought a doughnut in my life.’

‘The city is so gentrified now. They’ve even priced the pigeons out.’

‘Turns out that emus can take quite a lot of bullets before they die.’

‘That salt is really… salty.’

‘Noel Edmonds’s face can fuck off.’

‘True friendship is deboning their chicken at 3am.’

‘I’m having trouble getting through bread at the moment.’

Every week you share the weird things you’ve overheard in London. Above, a few snippets from the past seven days – tweet us yours using #wordonthestreet and @timeoutlondon

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