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The full schedule and timings for the Queen’s funeral

The full schedule and timings for the Queen’s funeral

On Monday September 19, millions of people around the world will watch the Queen’s funeral. On a historic day, the Queen will be the first monarch to have her funeral at Westminster Abbey since 1760. The day has been declared a national bank holiday in the UK so people can watch the service and pay their respects to Her Majesty. This is the full schedule for her funeral on Monday. 

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6.30am – The public lying in state ends.

8am Doors open at Westminster Abbey for the congregation to take their seats for the funeral.

Coverage starts on BBC One, BBC iPlayer and BBC News.

10.35am – Just after 10.35am a bearer party, found by the Queen’s Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, will lift the coffin from the catafalque. It will then carry it in procession from Westminster Hall to the Royal Navy’s state gun carriage, which will be positioned outside the building’s North Door.

10.44am – The gun carriage, drawn by 142 Royal Navy service personnel, will set off at  10.44am, 16 minutes before the state funeral begins.

10.52am – The procession will arrive at the West Gate of Westminster Abbey, where the bearer party will lift the coffin from the state gun carriage and carry it inside for the state funeral service.

11.00am – The state funeral service will begin.

11.55am – The Last Post will sound followed by a national two-minute silence.

12.00pm – Reveille, the national anthem and a lament, played by the Queen’s Piper, will bring the state funeral service to an end at around 12pm.

The coffin will be carried to the state gun carriage.

12.15pm – The procession will set off for Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner, going via Broad Sanctuary Parliament Square (south and east sides), Parliament Street, Whitehall, Horse Guards including Horse Guards Arch, Horse Guards Road, The Mall, Queen’s Gardens (south and west sides), Constitution Hill and Apsley Way.

1.00pmThe procession will arrive at Wellington Arch.

The King and the Queen Consort, the Prince and Princess of Wales and members of the royal family will depart for Windsor by car.

3.06pm – The state hearse will approach Shaw Farm Gate on Albert Road, Windsor, and join the procession, which will have been formed up and in position.

3.10pm – The procession will step off.

The route will be: Albert Road, Long Walk, Cambridge Gate, Cambridge Drive, George IV Gate, Quadrangle (south and west sides), Engine Court, Norman Arch, Chapel Hill, Parade Ground and Horseshoe Cloister Arch.

3.20pm – The congregation can begin to enter St George’s Chapel for the committal service.

3.25pm – Some members of the royal family who didn’t join the procession will arrive at St George’s Chapel for the service.

3.40pm – King Charles III and other royal family members who are walking in the procession will join it at the quadrangle on the north side as it passes into Engine Court.

3.53pm – The procession will arrive at the bottom of the West Steps of St George’s Chapel in Horseshoe Cloister.

4.00pm – The committal service begins. The length of the service is unknown.

7.30pm – The Dean of Windsor will conduct a private burial service. The King, and members of the family will be attending.

The Queen will be buried with Prince Phillip at the King George VI Memorial Chapel.

What personal touches will be at the funeral?

The late Queen Elizabeth arranged a quite few personal touches for her funeral before she passed away. She had input on the design of her hearse, and also asked that a piper be included in the ceremony – her personal piper will close the service with a lament. She also chose many of the readings and hymns herself, and had a say over the order of the service. 

All the road closures and travel restrictions for the funeral. 

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