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Art is still happening deep inside an empty Tate Modern

When we went to Bruce Nauman's exhibition at the Tate Modern last year we declared it ‘vulgar violent and absurd’, which is our art critic’s way of saying he really enjoyed himself. Sadly, the gallery had to close its (massive) doors not long after, so all of Bruce’s brilliant sculptures and video installations have been sitting around in the dark, not being enjoyed by anyone. It’s a crying shame.

But you cannot stop art. As Jeff Goldblum once almost said: art finds a way. Some enterprising, exciting artists have been enlisted by Tate to create special ‘response pieces’ filmed all around the empty galleries. On Thursday February 4 you’ll be able to watch a stream of Ekin Bernay, Thomas Heyes and Rowdy SS reacting to the pieces with movement, sound and spoken word. The performances will even be followed by a bit of a chat with the artists.

‘Each artist explores ideas around identity, isolation, alienation and human resilience amidst a pandemic,’ explains the Tate, which admittedly doesn't sound like a barrel of laughs. But art is subjective! You might find the whole thing hilarious and uplifting! There’s only one way to find out and that's by accessing the stream that will appear on this page at 7pm on February 4. Put it in your diary. Not much else in there, is there?

But wait, there’s more! On Thursday January 28, Tate are also holding a Nauman-inspired streaming workshop. Participants will follow the instructions of the above-mentioned Bernay, learning how to use their bodies in all sorts of meditative, restorative ways. If that sounds like your idea of a great Thursday night, just access this page at 7pm, January 28.

Art lives! Here are all the brilliant massive shows to look forward to in 2021.

Virtual tours of all the big galleries are right here for you to enjoy in the meantime.

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