Heavy metal is law. There’s no point fighting it. There’s no point debating the fact. London is a town full of leather rebels, full-time thrashers and blast beat fanatics. Case-in-point: Crobar, the storied Soho heavy metal bar that was forced to close last year, has managed to raise a stonking £40,000 on Crowdfunder. The intent? To re-open the legendary, whisky-soaked venue in a different location.
This particular funding effort was managed after an earlier drive that drummed up £20k for paying the bar's furloughed or unemployed staff. Benevolent rock royal Dave Grohl even donated one of his drum cymbals to the cause. Yes, Dave! The new crowdfunder has a target of £95k, at which point Crobar owner Richard Crobar (not his real name) can go to the bank and ask for a business loan (the most metal form of loan).
The Crobar’s plight has even served as the inspiration behind a new, fan-made documentary called ‘Music When the Lights go Out’. London film makers (and Crobar fans) Lucy Brown and Andrew Wildey have gone out and spoken to all sorts of people for whom Soho forms a crucial part of their lives. The film premieres here on January 27, but in the meantime you can watch the tantalising teaser trailer.
‘There is so much history here and it does feel to many that all roads in London lead to this area,‘ says Richard. ‘Rock and Roll will never die, but if we don’t fight to keep its integrity and quirkiness, then we will just fall victim to faceless gentrification eradicating everything Soho has stood for: tolerance and individuality, love, and Rock ‘n’ Roll for all.‘
Couldn't have said it better ourselves. So maybe throw a few quid in if you fancy seeing this lovely jukebox ever again.
‘Music When the Lights go Out’ premieres here on Wed Jan 27.
Bars you can order cocktails from while you're sat at home getting thirsty.
Check out these striking photos of London's dormant live music venues.