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Tell the government what London’s nightlife means to you

A new enquiry into the effects of The Bastard Virus on nightlife has today been launched by the government. The newly formed All Party Parliamentary Group for the Night Time Economy wants to understand the extent of damage done to what they refer to as ‘the night time hospitality sector’ but what you might call ‘the pub’, or other such places you used to go to have fun while not at work. 

Why are we telling you this? Because, thanks to a survey being used to gauge public opinion on the matter, you can have your say. Whether you own a bar, put on club nights, play the odd min-tech DJ set or simply really like going to the pub a lot (hi dad!) the government want to hear from you. The online form can be accessed and filled out right here. Why give ‘em an earful? We’re sure they’d love to read your rambling 800 word scree on how Egg was more like a church than a nightclub.

‘Since March, we have seen the night-time sector berated, scapegoated and even blamed for rising infections,’ said Michael Kill, CEP of the Night Time Industries Association. ‘Our sector has slipped through the cracks of insufficient support packages and borne the brunt of ever-changing and inconsistent restrictions. We urge all those who work in the night-time economy, or simply enjoy a night out, to take part in the APPG survey to help policymakers understand the importance of our vital sector.’

Find out more and fill out the survey here.

Have fun at home: London breweries delivering booze to your door.

Loads of things we currently really miss about going to gigs in London.

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