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Am I allowed to go sledging in lockdown?

Snow day? Chances are you’ve woken up to a fair old dusting of the white stuff wherever you are in London – and in other parts of the UK. If the kids are itching to get outdoors – or your inner child is about to start a snow fight – read up on the lockdown rules around social distancing and daily exercise before you head outside in the snow. Weeeeeeeeee!

Can I go sledging in the park? 

So, there’s nothing in writing that formally addresses the rules around a snow day in lockdown. But the lockdown guidelines dictate that you are allowed to head outside for daily exercise. This should only be with members of your household bubble – or for socially distanced exercise/a walk with one other person outside of your household. 

So, yes, you can go sledging! But maintain that physical distance from other people who’ve had a similar idea. And don’t share that sledge with anyone outside your bubble, okay? 

You should minimise the amount of time spent outside your home right now – but it’s pretty cold out there, so chances are you’ll be keen to get back in the warm soon enough. Exercise should also be limited to once a day where possible. So make the most of that sledge time when it happens. 

Can I travel to go sledging? 

That really big hill in the next borough? Wouldn’t that be a dream to glide down freely?! It’s a bit of a drive away, but man, does it provide the slides. So what are the rules around leaving your own vicinity in lockdown? 

Alas, the rules state that you cannot leave you local area in lockdown. ‘Stay in the village, town, or part of the city where you live,’ state the government guidelines. So if it’s within easy walking distance, it’s probably safe to do so. But if you’re thinking about getting in the car for a day trip with your sled, you better think again. 

Can I start a snow fight? 

By all means, chuck a snowball at your housemate. But you probably shouldn’t be flinging them at those outside your household, and definitely not at strangers right now.  

A pair in Leeds were recently fined £10,000 each for starting a mass snowball fight in the park, so don’t get any ideas about coordinating your outdoor play with nearby friends, either.  

Can I build a snowman? 

Of course you can! Maintain all the above rules and you’ll be just fine. Bonus points: he will immediately form a part of your household bubble. If you’re sick of the same conversation with your current household, this could be the light relief you need. 

Looking for a nice snowy spot near you? These places are great for a winter walk

Check out amazing images of the last snowfall in London

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