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Get a sweet, sweet endorphin kick from a free At Your Beat dance class

Welcome to our new series, One Good Thing to Do Today. It’s a guide to little things you can actually do in lockdown London that will provide bits of light in these dark times.

Make time in your packed schedule of ‘pretending to read your book but actually scrolling through your phone’ and ‘spending ages deciding on a recipe to cook and then just making beans on toast’ for something NEW this weekend.

Our good friends at At Your Beat are running a whole day of free dance workshops on Sunday (February 7) – and there’s something to suit everyone. The nine-hour schedule features everything from a Broadway class where you can learn to jazz hand like a pro to a Cheer class where you can learn to shake your pom poms like you’re in ‘Bring It On’.

Plus there’s a Lyrical session (the contemporary dance style where you emote with your body), a whole load of pop music video style classes and some dance fitness sessions. There’s even a session at 12pm that’s designed for anyone who’s never danced before (a good one for anyone feeling nervous).

It’s not the first time AYB has run free sessions – the dance school does Open Days every year. But it is the first time they’re doing a virtual Open Day.

Want to know what to expect? Keep in mind that the school’s known for being inclusive, empowering and energising. Everyone’s welcome and it’s all about celebrating who you are and challenging yourself rather than getting shredded or doing things perfectly. (Imagine a 2021 version of the class Jody sneaks off to in ‘Centre Stage’.)

When Time Outers have been to their IRL classes in the past they’ve left feeling absolutely buzzing – and we can all do with a bit of those sweet, sweet endorphins right now. You can book here

Read more from our One Good Thing to Do Today series

Relaxing walks in London

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