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Londoners’ weirdest lockdown hobbies, RANKED!!!

Last week, as a special treat to ourselves, we decided to have a little chat with you – the readers – about your lockdown hobbies. We asked our Twitter followers about the things they’d got really, really into over the past year. Not the usual stuff – banana bread, pottery, binge watching ‘Married At First Sight’ – but the proper oddball stuff that your friends would probably judge you for. We promise that this wasn’t only to farm your answers for potential content, but it also partially was. And boy did you wacky guys and gals deliver. Here is a ranked list of Time Out readers’ weirdest hobbies rated from Not That Weird to Please Never Mention That Ever Again.

Bracket One: Really Not That Weird At All

In here we’ve got a number of classic examples of people replying to a tweet without properly reading it. We’ve got jigsaws, we’ve got puzzles. Are these nice hobbies that we’re glad you all started in lockdown? Yes. Are they weird. Not really. Either way, it was lovely to hear from you all. :)

Bracket Two: So Mundane It’s Kind Of Weird

Quite possibly our favourite kind of reply to a Time Out tweet, these friendly tweeters made us have a right old laugh with their messages about getting really into boring stuff. And we definitely relate, one Time Out team member (definitely not me, the writer of this piece) has got intensely into oral hygiene over the past few months and now has a five step tooth cleaning routine. Anyway these ones are kind of weird but not that weird. 5/10.

Bracket Three: Quite Weird But Also Too Impressive

Alright, fucking hell, some of you have been really far too productive in lockdown and we think it’s best if you just keep it to yourselves okay? Pipe down and let us feel good about the fact we managed to wash our face this morning.

Bracket Four: Actually Weird

This is what we were after. The juice we were desperate to harvest. Stuff we’d never thought of ever doing ourselves that we will now spend all afternoon Googling to see if we have the space/energy/money/talent to get into too. The answer is no, we’re too busy writing really tremendous content like this to pick up such complex hobbies but we’re happy you all have time to enjoy yourselves.

Bracket Five: Please Never Mention That Ever Again


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