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See your design on a Lambeth street and earn money

If you fancy yourself as a bit of an urban planning visionary or have the street design skills of the next Camille Walala, then there’s a new competition happening in the borough of Lamberth that sounds right up your paint-strewn alley. If your design wins, you’ll even pocket some sweet, sweet cash. Only qualification you need is to be a Lambeth resident (or a professional with some demonstrable engagement with the borough).

In partnership with social enterprise group Urban Growth, the borough has identified ten sites that they reckon could do with a bit of a spruce up (they’re not wrong, judging by the list), and – unusually – thrown them open to the public to come up with proposals of what they’d like to see at these under-loved spots. This is the Lambeth Street Design challenge.

The ten places up for redesign are: Bedford House, Claylands Road, Dorset Road Shops Mural, Fairview Place, Hillside Passage, Holmewood x Roupell Estate, Livity School Passage, Mursell Estate Undercroft, Somerleyton Passage and St Matthew’s Road. The winner of each location will get £750, and see their design executed. A runner-up for each location will win £250. There’s also a special judges’ prize of £500. Deadline for submissions is Monday April 19. If you want to take part, the judges are encouraging people to think about the last year fo lockdown in London, and how that affected us all, and changed the way that we understand and need our local environments

Urban Growth say: ‘The idea of this competition is to smash barriers into urban design by empowering local people to get creative and design a healthier, greener city.’

Deputy leader of Lambeth Council, Clair Holland, added: ‘Much of the public realm has been developed without the active input of many underrepresented groups, including disabled people, women, young people and people of Black, Asian and minority ethnic background.’

So get your pens/cans/InDesign/whatever, and see your work beautifying a street near you. It’s what this city’s been crying out for.

Find more information at Urban Growth. Deadline for submissions Apr 19.

Need some inspo? Check out Camille Walala’s Leyton High Road gig.

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