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So, uh, tomorrow is going to be really warm

Here’s how to not waste the hottest day of the year so far. First, take some time to really appreciate the sunlight. Stand with the warmth on your face, close your eyes and zone out for a bit as some much-needed vitamin D seeps into your skin by way of ultraviolet rays. Delish!

Next (and arguably more important) you’ll want to get to grips with every single bit of outdoors-y Time Out content you can get your sweaty, fidgety hands on. Planning a picnic? Here’s some great food and drink you can get delivered to the park. Hankering to gaze at cherry blossom? This is where you can do it.

We don’t stop at cherry blossom, of course. How about the locations of all of London’s nicest spring flowers

If you’re peckish, you’ll want to check out London’s best takeaway sandwiches. Or maybe you’ll benefit from our forensic examination of the city’s best pizza slices (all of which you can get delivered, and some takeaway).

Then there’s the parks themselves. This is our definitive list of ‘the best’ parks. Nice. Here are some secret gardens, if you’re into that sort of thing. Then, and perhaps most helpful given the recent rule changes, our top picnic spots in the capital, all conveniently located next to some great food and drink. If you’re bringing your own tinnies, please do not overlook these.

Maybe, just maybe, you’ll want to use Tuesday’s clement conditions to just gaze at London for a bit. To climb to the top of a hill and just consider your place within the metropolis and the universe. If that kind of thing is your bag, then we have a great list of places with London’s best views. Or perhaps you just want to take a decent walk.

Whatever you get up to, have a great time in the sun!

Check out this map of the best places to see London’s bluebells.

Don’t be caught short: here’s how to know what public toilets are nearest to you (and open).


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