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JR's giant participatory street art photography project is coming to London

Renowned French street art photographer JR is bringing his ‘Inside Out’ project to London to help celebrate the Euros. The project is a big participatory thing, where ordinary members of the public get to use JR’s photobooth truck to take self portraits, which are then pasted into a giant collage. The first stop will be Tower Bridge Road, and the truck will then travel to different parts of the city throughout the tournament.

The idea is to create giant, improvised public works of art that residents themselves help make. Over 400,000 people acros 138 countries have taken part in the past, and now it’s London’s turn. If you're thinking '400,000? Are you sure? That sounds like an awful lot of people', look, it's just what I've been told. Take it up with Ofcom or the Advertising Standards Agency, I'm just a conduit here. Anyway, the project is all about community and unity and nice stuff like that. The project will form part of Wembley Park’s new outdoor art gallery, where the work will be visible throughout the competition and through until September. 

All the information you need is right here.

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