‘Your tears probably smell nice.’
‘There’s only so much you can elevate gnocchi.’
‘£7.50 for a scotch egg? You can stick that up your arse.’
‘Kilometres are more impressive. Why run 3.5 miles when you can run 5k?’
‘Fuck this fucking city.’
‘I hate my cat. I wish Pokémon were real.’
‘Why don’t you appreciate my toenail collection?’
‘Short kings are in.’
‘The clashes at Primavera Sound are fatal.’
‘What if you’re not an introvert or an extrovert, you’re just a vert?’
‘Her leather bra would go well with my leather pants.’
Every week you share the weird things you’ve overheard in London. Tweet us yours using #wordonthestreet and @timeoutlondon.