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There’s going to be a mini-heatwave in London this week

There’s going to be a mini-heatwave in London this week

As inevitable as getting rained on at barbecue, turning Routemaster-red on an overcast day or heading to the park in shorts and flipflops only to realise it’s actually a bit chilly and you’ve got to spend the day huddled under a picnic blanket, the return of summer weather in London brings some all-too-familiar experiences with it, including our obsession with predicting that a ‘mini-heatwave’ is tantalisingly on the horizon every other week. 

Occasionally our predictions stand true leaving us grumbling about the fact there’s no air conditioning on the Central line and spending all our spare cash on a fancy fan we only use twice. But, in most cases, the Great British weather remains as tumultuous as ever. 

True to form, recent reports have suggested London is about to have an eight-day-long ‘mini-heatwave’. While temperatures won’t be breaking any June records, according to the reports, the dry sunny weather is due to start this week, peaking over the weekend, when temperatures hit 23C on Saturday June 11 and 24C on Sunday June 12. 

But, can we trust this intel? We decided to ask the meteorology gurus at the Met Office what the next few days have in store for us. 

Meteorologist Sarah Kent explained that while temperatures in London will be close to and even above average for this time of year, at around 22C, conditions will be far off what officially constitutes a heatwave for the Met Office

According to the Met Office experts, we’ll have to wait until Thursday for the weather to start brightening up in London, as low-pressure systems further north could mean showers and clouds until then. 

At the weekend, London should see drier and more settled weather at slightly above average temperatures thanks to an Atlantic wind blowing through the capital which is usually warm at this time of year. 

Across the UK, the weather is set to remain changeable for the next week with low-pressure systems nearby bringing wind, cloudier skies and patchy rain at points. 

So as ever, the Great British early summer weather is as mixed as a family-sized bag of Revels. Best leave your flip-flops at home, for now.

Oh, and if it does start chucking it down, there’s a new service where you can rent an umbrella

Find brilliant things to do in London whatever the weather with our June guide

Get ready for the summer weather when it arrives with our guide to outdoor London. 

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