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More free water fountains are being installed across London

More free water fountains are being installed across London

There’s another 35C heatwave coming this week, yikes. But to curb Londoners’ thirst, Sadiq Khan has teamed up with Thames Water to install more than a hundred new water fountains in busy areas of the city. So at least you’ll be able to stay hydrated as you wither in the tarmac-melting heat.  

These new fountains can be found outside stations, in parks and in shopping centres and they are pretty hard to miss – if you find yourself struck by sudden thirst, just look for the big white thing with a giant blue raindrop on top. All the fountain locations can be found here

Sadiq reported that across London’s water points more than 730,000 litres have been dispensed so far, equivalent to more than 1.4 million single-use plastic bottles.

According to the Mayor, London’s top three water fountains are: Camden High Street, dispensing 227 litres a day, Mountsfield Park in Catford with 177 litres a day and Russell Square with 122 litres a day. 

The new water points are part of Sadiq’s continued efforts to reduce single-use plastic in the capital. Even though it seems like everyone’s got one of those Chilly’s bottles these days, according to the Greater London Authority, the average London adult buys more than three plastic water bottles every week, a massive 175 bottles every year per person. 

The Mayor’s Office is inviting London boroughs and public and private land owners to apply to host one of the new fountains. If you want to have one, they’ll foot the bill and take care of all the maintenance for at least 25 years. 

So when you leave the house, repeat after me: keys, wallet, phone, reusable water bottle.

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